Wednesday, May 22, 2013

In the meantime

I'm way behind on this "photo a day" stuff, it's a busy week with finals, etc.
  I'll try to catch up this weekend. 
  I'm pretty sure this bothers me more than you, though.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20-- in the morning

In the morning?  as in my face in the morning?  haha ok, we'll go with that.
  It's bad picture Monday anyway!
 Good luck surviving all of your Mondays!
-Kelly L.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19 -- orchestra

Today was the last concert for the 2012-2013 season of DSSO youth orchestras.

It's been a really fun year, and I'm glad I got to make memories with these wonderful people.

I would put up a different picture where Madeleine looks better, but this is just great.  Photo cred: my faithful reader, Jake. Thanks! you really ruined The Chronicles of Narnia for me, though...

It was my sister's last concert in youth orchestra. This is her with her conductor, Kevin Hoeschen.

-Kelly L.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18 -- messy

My "homework space" is messy.

So is my life, but this is easier to capture.

-Kelly L.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17-- favorite song

I haven't found my favorite song yet...
But when I do, I think it will sound like a rainstorm on the ocean, at least to me.
So here's to hoping:

-Kelly L.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15-- outdoors

These are just some pictures I took when I was at my grandparents' house a week and a half ago. 
 I love where they live.  It's so beautiful there.  
But maybe that's partly just from the magic of visiting people you love.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think some of it reflects back on the subject.
Some people can make a dungeon beautiful just from the beauty shining in their eyes.

...but anyway, here are the pictures.

-Kelly L.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14-- A memory

This represents the memory of "that one time that we burnt the brown rice NISHIKI in the microwave..."  We were going to cook it normally, but my sister suggested we should microwave it instead.  Since she was older, we decided to follow her advice.
       Bad idea.
       Her 30-minutes-in-the-microwave instructions were not very good ones.  At about 20 mins it was starting to smell weird in the kitchen, so we checked on the rice.  As soon as I opened the microwave door, green smoke billowed out and filled up the room.  We rushed to open all the doors and windows as the smoke alarm was ringing like no tomorrow.  My sister quickly tried to carry the bowl of burnt rice out the door, but had to set it down momentarily on the rug.  It melted a circle into the carpet before she could take it outside.
  The well-microwaved rice looked like this:
We got as much rice as we could out of the bowl and into a pile in the lawn outside.  Throughout the rest of the summer, you could still see pieces of it defiling the grass. 
 Nothing would eat the brown rice NISHIKI.

((undaunted in our rice-cooking by the slight setback of completely ruining the microwave, making the house smell terrible, and melting the rug, we started again at square one.  This time, the advice of the old wise sister was not heeded, and we cooked the rice on the stove.  It was much more successful.  While the burnt pieces of brown rice NISHIKI are no longer visible in the yard, the memory is still quite vivid for all involved.))  :')
-Kelly L.
 ((photo creds, Lynsey Witherill and Tara Lorenz))

May 13-- a friend

My friends are great.  Here are two of them, don't forget the peace-signing one in the background.  These two people are pretty fantastic.  They make school survivable. We've had lots of adventures, and misadventures, together.  People say that we act immature, but we have fun, so joke's on them.  I'm so glad I could meet you guys! 
-Kelly L.
 ((photo cred... I actually don't know who took it.))

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12-- mom

My mom is on the right in this picture...
She would probably say she's on the left, though, because she is a nurse, and they think differently.
She's the taller one.
When this was taken, we had just arrived at someone's house.  The car in the background was just arriving, but we left at the same time.  My mom likes to drive fast.
Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11: sunset

pretty much.
again this is an old picture...

-Kelly L.

May 10 -- I can't wait for:

This is a picture from a few years ago... and seriously I cannot wait for summer.
Not just the weather, since where I live season names have nothing to do with weather (except winter, of course), but I am really looking forward to going new places, meeting new people, and seeing old friends.   Just a few weeks left of school....
-Kelly L.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9 -- Sunglasses

Sunglasses.  Feel the sarcasm of this dramatic face. 

I've fallen into a sarchasm and I can't get out. 
but don't worry about me, I'll be *just fine*...

-Kelly L.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8-- sugary

So today's image is supposed to depict "sugary".... yeah. -_-
((this is my creative process.))
             At first I was like: "um...."
         And then I was like: "uh...."
      But then I was like: "hey."  and this happened:

In case you can't tell, I made a portrait w/ glue and sugar that I colored.... because this is of course the first thing I thought of...and the idea stuck.
-Kelly L.

May 7-- flashback

Can we all take a moment of silence for middle school Kelly?

just about everything about this photo is cringe-worthy.
yeah, I was one of those kids who thought I didn't look that bad with braces--I wasn't.
The hair falling inside my glasses is great, too.  Should have left it alone, but no, I cut it myself shortly afterwards....  bad idea.
The fact that I distinctly remember taking this picture adds to the shame of it.  I wanted a new profile photo for facebook... and I had my mom take it for me, and it took several times to get it "right." 
Now that I see it again, I never did get that picture "right."
Everything about this is just not ok... sorry you had to share in this moment with me.

here's a song lyric to make you, and 6th grade me, feel better... ♫♫♫♫hold on to what hope is♫♫♫...
-Kelly L.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6-- "today"

Honestly today's picture was supposed to be "today,"  I'm not making this up, it's just that lame.
"Today" is a Monday.  Mondays are orchestra nights, so here is some music:

Yeah, we're playing music from NARNIA….  

May 5-- "on my desk"

This is obviously not my desk.

  •  First of all, I don't have a desk.  
  • Second, this does not seem like a space conducive to work.
  • Third, this would be an inordinate amount of flowers for me to have on my desk. (I'd be a crazy cat lady of flowering house plants)
  • Fourth, a dry erase board at my desk would not have the names of the RN, NA, and SA assigned to me. 
In conclusion, no, this is not my desk.

This is the desk in my grandma's hospital room.  The space does not need to be used for work, since she is not doing and cannot do any.  This is not an inordinate amount of flowers to bring to her.  It only represents some of the people who have visited her in the past few days, some bringing a fleeting smile to her face, a few moments to reminisce with her family about better times, or a prayer for her to return to good health.  While not all of them left her flowers, bright reminders of their visit, they all left an impression;  not on Judy Chittick, because soon she does not remember that they've been to see her, but on the family gathered around her.  They've shown by stopping by, because part of friendship is simply showing up, that they love her.  For the family huddled around a hospital bed, aimlessly wandering hospital hallways, speaking in hushed tones to hospital staff and wishing with all that is within them that this were not a hospital, the flowers and visits are a welcome change of pace.
To everyone who came to see my grandma this weekend, thank you.

-Kelly L.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4 -- Water

The gods of May photo challenge have called upon me to share a picture of water with you today.

I'm visiting my grandparents house, and they just got a new well… there's a lot of bleach in the water right now, so we have to drink bottled water… oh chemicals. 
But seriously, taking showers here, it's like washing my hair in a swimming pool… 
-Kelly L.

May 3-- Empty//Walk in my Shoes

Todays topic was empty…so…

“Before you judge a man,

walk a mile in his moccasins.”

Yes, I know these technically aren’t moccasins,
But I still want you to try them on
Before you try mocking my sins

Leave the laces how they are—
Please don’t re-tie them—
It’ll be hard to get them back to just the same way they’ve been

Ease your toes into the cavernous abyss
I promise they’re clean in real life,
But this metaphor’s remiss if I don’t account for
The rocks and grit you might get stuck with

If nine and a half women’s isn’t your size,
It might be hard to fit your calloused heels inside
No, I’m not saying you have rough feet,
But I’m sure you’re walking a long road too,
And thick skin helps us over the rugged patches, true?

Alright, now you’re ready to walk around for a while
Yes, I know they’re really not your style,
But please step a little lighter because remember,
Those are my soles you’re treading on

Pretty soon I’m sure you’ve noticed
How they pinch and bruise and blister your feet
I know, because they do the same for me

I see you’re quick to give them back after only a short jaunt
But thanks for trying my walk on,
I needed a break from this soul scarring trek

I know they’re old and I should just get a new pair,
But overused metaphors don’t work that way.

-Kelly L.

((apologies for lateness, I was road-tripping all day yesterday (how fitting, right?)…))

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2 -- Path

Today I was supposed to share a picture of a path… but the only path I walked on today was the gritty road to school covered in post-winter salt stains, crushed beer cans, and the last shamefully tarnished snow of a late-April storm melting into oily puddles flowing into murky streams along the street.

So instead here's a photo I took of a path on Rib Mountain from fall 2011, it would be a "throwback" photo, but usually trees take a while to change.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1--peace

I'm going to be doing a photo a day challenge for May this year.  Sometimes I'll explain my pictures, sometimes I won't. Today's image was supposed to be "peace"…

Recently, I've started to use the peace sign a lot more than I ever have before.  Mostly in sarcasm. Somehow I've convinced myself that it can substitute for talking. *yay me* PEACE.
-Kelly L.