Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This One Time In High School...

  • Our volleyball coach said in part of an inspirational "play your best now; you can't do this later" speech that in ten years we would all have jobs and kids.  Sorry Coach, no guarantees.  There are a lot of variables there that I cannot control.
  • I went to school camp, aka the "High School Retreat," which means being stuck with all of the other little chilluns who I see every weekday, but on the weekend.  That of course makes it a much better bonding experience.  Normal weekends away from school are certainly not to maintain our sanity, that would be a ridiculous concept.  It's really a good thing we have school camp.  I might not be friends with the people who were already my friends if we didn't.  It also helped me stay acquaintances with my acquaintances, and even "who exactly is that?" with my "who exactly is thats?"
  • The Student Government Association decided to let me be their secretary this year.  No one else wanted to be, but still, they could have voted me down.  This means I get to take notes and not be considered a nerd--oh wait, still a nerd.  but a sanctioned nerd.
  • (speaking of which) On the way to a Junior Rotarian meeting, we were told that it would be a good idea to take notes.  My friends said they didn't bring notebooks. "It's ok, I have three."  Let's just say I also had enough pens for everyone in the 8-passenger vehicle.

-Kelly L.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Life is Crazy

This post will bring an end to the unintentional summer hiatus of my blog.

I started school on Tuesday, Sept. 3.  It was not fun.  I am really looking forward to this school year being over.

On Saturday, August. 31,  my mom and I were in MI visiting my grandparents.  I may not have mentioned this on the blog yet, but in May my grandma was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  They had said a few weeks ago that she only had about a month or so left.

So we were going to visit, and my mom wanted me to help work on a slideshow for the funeral.  I hadn't added funeral slideshow making to my repertoire of skills yet, and I really was not looking forward to doing so.  It's a much more emotionally difficult task than usual slideshows.  Nothing I wanted to ever have a reason to try.

That morning, I was getting ready for church, and decided to wear makeup.  I usually don't bother with mascara, but for some reason I did that day.  The moment I brushed it onto my left eyelashes, I immediately regretted it.  I thought of how I was supposed to work on that slideshow after church, and decided it was a bad day for mascara as I followed through and brushed it onto my right eye's lashes.

Sunday, Sept. 1 was the last day we got to be with grandma.  It really seems unbelievable.

I went to school the next two days in a bit of a daze, skipped the third day and most of the fourth day of school to go to the funeral.

It's been a week, and every day has been a terrible day for mascara.

I miss you.

-Kelly L.