Monday, July 8, 2013

Thoughts En Route

It's kinda rough flying early in the morning.  You never know how to act.
Some people are incredibly energetic, some people don't want to be talked to, and I don't care too much either way.

But if you're going to ask me how I'm doing, you are probably thinking that I will ask you the same question.  I don't generally appreciate people spreading around their bad days (being sad is totally different, don't get me wrong), unless they can be funny about it, of course. 

So when the shuttle driver asked me, "How are you?" of course I said the same back.
 He responded with the brilliant answer, "I'm boring."  No smile, just boring.
  That really put a damper on the mood, since he gave a variation of that answer to everyone else, poisoning his shuttle-environment that he would have to be in all day with his own bad attitude.

I think that the other people who got on the bus after me felt a bit put off by what he said, too, and there was no friendly conversation on the ride.  Everyone looking down at their hands, thinking about the boring life of the bus-driver.  Maybe that's what he wanted; someone to think about him as who he was and not just where he could take them.  Maybe he just really thought he was boring.  Maybe he was having a rough day, I don't know.

As boring as he said he was, I still remember him.  In that situation, being "boring" was being unique, in that he didn't use everyone else's canned response of, "I'm fine."  His answer was typical for him, but not the rest of the people there.  In a world where we see so many different people, it's easy to lose track and give less attention to people we deem "boring." How many "boring people" do I forget about every day?

-Kelly L.

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